7th Technology Forum
TF 2020
1 December 2020
Online Event

Ilias Chantzos
Broadcom Inc

Panayiotis Philimis

Michail Bletsas
MIT lab

Timos Sellis
Swinburne University

Ioannis Katsoyiannis
President, Hellenic Industrial Property Academy

Pantelis Angelidis

Dimitris Panopoulos
Hellenic Ministry of Labor

Konstantinos Votis

Savas Parastatidis

Aristotelis Georgiou

Georgia Aifantopoulou

Georgios Keramidas
Think Silicon

Nectarios Koziris

Ilias Chantzos
Keynote Speaker
“Information security and privacy in the European policy context. What does this mean for businesses in Europe?”
Ilias Chantzos is the Global Privacy Officer and the Head of Government Affairs programmes for Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) of Broadcom.
Chantzos leads the global privacy program of Broadcom across the company’s multiple business units and regions. He also represents Broadcom before government bodies, national authorities and international organisations in EMEA advising on public policy issues.
Before joining Broadcom Chantzos spent almost 16 years in various government affairs and legal roles in Symantec. During his last post with the Symantec he was in charge of the Government Affairs for the EMEA and the Asia Pacific Japan regions and the Global Advisor for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Privacy. Before joining Symantec in 2004, Chantzos worked as legal and policy officer in the Directorate General Information Society of the European Commission focusing on information security policy. He covered the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention and the Framework Decision on Attacks against Information Systems. In addition, he worked on a number of EU legislative initiatives relevant to information society and security, including directives on Privacy on Electronic Communications, the Data Retention Directive and the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). He also represented the European Commission in various international debates and conferences.
Chantzos holds a law degree from the Aristotle University, a Master degree in Computers and Communication Law from Queen Mary College, University of London and a Master in Business Administration from Solvay Business School. He has also completed executive education at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore and at the JFK School of Government in Harvard.
Chantzos is member of the Athens Bar Association. He served as Chairman of the Executive Board of TechAmerica Europe. He also served for four terms as Chairman of the European Policy Council of Business Software Alliance (BSA). He is appointed member of the Permanent Stakeholders Group of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and at Europol’s European Cybercrime Center (EC3) Advisory Board. He also represented Symantec at the NATO Industry Cooperation Platform.
Chantzos is a member of the Young Global Leaders 2014 class of the World Economic Forum. He speaks English, Greek, Dutch and German.

Nectarios Koziris
“Scalable Infrastructures for Digital Governance”
Prof. Nectarios Koziris is the Dean of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. His research interests include parallel and distributed systems, interaction between compilers, OS and architectures, datacenter hyperconvergence, scalable data management and large scale storage systems.
He has co-authored more than 180 research papers with more than 4100 citations. He is a recipient of two best paper awards for his research in parallel and distributed computing (IEEE/ACM IPDPS 2001 and CCGRID 2013) and has received honorary recognition from Intel (2015) for his research and insightful contributions in transactional memory (TSX synchronization extensions). From 2004 to 2014, he served as the Vice-Chair for the Greek Research and Technology Network-GRNET.
He was the founder of the ~okeanos project, a public Cloud IaaS infrastructure, among the biggest ones in the European public sector (topping out beyond 10.000 active VMs), powered by the open source Synnefo software (www.synnefo.org). He is an advisor to Arrikto Inc., a fresh startup based in Palo Alto, California, that develops storage intelligence to access, manage, and store data in large-scale, heterogeneous and hybrid environments.
He currently serves as Advisory Committee Chair for the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET).

Georgia Aifantopoulou
“The need for innovation infrastructure - ThessINTEC”
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou, Research Director at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (ΗΙΤ) of CERTH with experience for over 25 years in transport systems planning, management and optimization. Always focusing on new technology implementation, as enabler for transforming transport and mobility systems, her work emphases on: a) ITS, C-ITS for transport demand and traffic management, b) Big Data analytics and c) modelling and decision support tools for Sustainable Mobility and city logistics.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Thessaloniki Innovation & Technology Center (Thess INTEC), a 4th generation park emphasizing on 4helix synergies, leading to new innovative products and services for the domestic and foreign markets. She is the coordinator of the Thessaloniki Smart Mobility Living Lab (https://smartmlab.imet.gr/), a member of the European Association of Living Labs ENoLL (https://enoll.org/), an ecosystem for data sharing, knowledge creation and innovation uptake in mobility. She is leading the initiative for the establishment of the national Cluster on smart sustainable mobility and city logistics. She is also the Scientific Director of the EIT Urban Mobility Regional Innovation Hub in Greece.

Keynote Speaker
“The Impact of Disruptive and Emerging Technologies on Society”
Dr Panayiotis Philimis is the Founder and CEO of CyRIC, the Cyprus Research & Innovation Center and Gravity Ventures Incubator. CyRIC, is the Business Innovation Center (BIC) of Cyprus, certified by the European BIC Network and belongs to an esteemed global network of high-level professionals which deliver top notch services with high quality standards to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Cyprus and the region. He has 20+ years’ experience in the design and development of disruptive high-tech products and managed several R&D and industry projects with budgets exceeding 100million Euro.
He also achieved more than 20 milion euro international sales. He has 10 years’ experience in product testing and certification and has several publications and patents to his name. He is the founder of Gravity Ventures, a global high-tech venture building incubator with portfolio of startups from Cyprus, Greece and the region. He is an Angel Investor and Director/Advisor to several startups.
He strives to grow tech ecosystems through his positions as president of the Cyprus Association of Research and Innovation Enterprises (CARIE) and member of BoD, of the European BIC Network (EBN), the Cyprus Research & Innovation Foundation (RIF), the Cyprus Academic and Research Network (CyNET), the Nicosia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (NCCI) etc.

Think Silicon
“Ultra Low Power Hardware Accelerators - The Approach of Think Silicon”
Dr. Georgios Keramidas received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and also a consultant of Think Silicon. He is teaching courses in Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems and Microprocessor Design.
Dr Keramidas’ main research interests are in the areas of low-power processor/memory design, multicore systems, VLIW/multi-threaded architectures, network and graphic processors, reconfigurable systems, power modelling methodologies, FPGA prototyping, and compiler optimizations techniques. He has published more than 70 papers, one book, and he also holds 10 US patents (4 more patents are under evaluation).
His work received more than 1000 citations. During the last years, Dr Keramidas has participated in seven research projects funded by European Commission and in five national projects either as project coordinator, technical coordinator, work packager leader, or as senior researcher. Dr. Keramidas is a member of ACM, a regular reviewer and program committee member in high-quality conferences, workshops and transactions and a member of the HiPEAC European Network of Excellence.

Filippos Papadopoulos
American Farm School SKG
“Prospects and obstacles for the adoption of digital technologies in Greek Agriculture”
Dr. Filippos Papadopoulos holds a PhD from London School of Economics and M.A. in International Relations from the University of Sussex; he is currently the Director of the Strategic Project Management Office of the American Farm School (AFS). In this capacity he is responsible for the Agrifood Entrepreneurship Centres run by AFS in the cities of Thessaloniki and Kalamata, and oversees training and consultancy projects in over thirty locations throughout Greece.
In addition, he is coordinating the Internet of Food Alliance (InoFA) vertically integrated cluster and oversee the AFS private LoRa pilot/ research development throughout Greece.
Building and managing multi-actor alliances between research institutes, civil society institutions and the real economy is one of his core activities.
His fields of interest include Diffusion of Technical Innovation, Community of Practice Building, Consumer Behavior, Food Anthropology, Entrepreneurship, E-commerce, Organisational Culture & Climate, Leadership and Management.

Ioannis Katsoyiannis
President, Hellenic Industrial Property Academy
“Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation: Current activities and future perspectives”
Dr Ioannis Katsoyiannis is Associate Professor of Environmental Technology at the department of Chemistry of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is the President of the Hellenic Industrial Property Academy and member of the administrative council of the Hellenic Industrial Property Organization. He is an expert in water and wastewater treatment technologies, water reuse and circular economy. He was recipient of prestigious international fellowhsips, such as from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Swiss Science National Foundation and recipient of a Marie Curie Individual.
He has conducted research at the Technical University of Berlin, Technical University of Hamburg, the ETH Zurich and the EPFL. Between 2008 and 2014 he has worked as principal chemical engineer for the giant engineering companies Alstom Power and Hitachi Power Europe in the design, construction and commissioning of some of the bigger power plants in Europe. He is the author of more than 65 research papers, which have received to date more than 4300 citations with an H-index of 32.
He is scientific responsible in several research projects and has been invited more than 20 times to give lectures worldwide in international conferences and advanced schools. In 2019, he was the chair of the 17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, which is the official environmental conference of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS).
Professor Katsoyiannis is currently serving as vice president of the Association of Greek Chemists, member of the Executive board of the EuChemS, Chair of the division of Chemistry and Environment of EuChemS and editor for the journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer).

Dimitris Panopoulos
Hellenic Ministry
of Labor
“eBrain Greece: Labour Market Smart Decision Making”
Mr Dimitris Panopoulos is an labour market data analyst of the Labour Market Needs’ Diagnosis Mechanism, Designing and Monitoring Unit, Directorate of Employment Inclusion, Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity of Greece. Also the National Representative of Greece in DSM Sub-Group, (DG Connect_EU), as well as the Ministerial Representative on the Greek Coalition for the enhancement of Digital Skills in Greece.
He is at the same time the contact point of Greece for the cooperation with ALL DIGITAL expert group of the DG CONNECT, national representative of the relevant DSM Group, Active Labour Market Policies /ESF Funding Programmes.
He is the operational coordinator of the REBRAIN GREECE National Initiative for the digital transformation of the labour market and the management of brain. Drain, and funding member of the, under establishment, REBRAIN GREECE National Center of Collective Knowledge for the Labour Market, an agile non-governmental institution for monitoring Labour Market’s Digitalization Impact and guiding Ministry of Labour.
He is a PhD candidate at Labour Market Digitlization’ s Impact and he holds a 18-month degree from the Greek National School of Public Administration. He additionally holds a two year post graduate degree on Financial and Business Strategy and Management from the University of Piraeus and a MA in Business IT management from the University of Bedfordshire, Louton. He has participated in various expert working groups of the EU, like the EU”s joint expert group for the assessing of the digital transformations’ impact on labour market whixh completed its survey in 2019. He is also participating in the Expert Group for a new initiative on “New Service and Jobs Creation” (2020-2021) of the European Commission (DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs), A consortium including empirica, PwC and the International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) has been tasked by the EASME to facilitate this work, under the general title “e-skills 2030”

Aristotelis Georgiou
“Digital Transformation: Gaining competitive advantage in the post-COVID19 era”
Aristotelis Georgiou joined Cisco in 2008, and he currently holds the position of Territory Account Manager for Cisco Greece, Cyprus and Malta. During the last 20 years, he was working in Sales & Marketing Departments of ICT companies in Greece. Aristotelis Georgiou studied Electrical & Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens. He holds a MBA degree at Athens University of Economics & Business and a M.Sc. in Data Communications & Radio Engineering at King’s College, University of London, UK.

“Healthcare Digital Transformation”
Dr. Pantelis Angelidis is an innovator entrepreneur. A Telecommunications Engineering by education, he is active in telemedicine and Digital Health for 20+ years. He has worked on Technology for Health projects in Europe, US and Africa for the past 25 years. He has been involved in several national, European and international projects. He has published over 120 papers in international journals, conferences and book chapters.
He is the founder of Vidavo (http://www.vidavo.eu/), a Digital Health start-up and Blockachain, a Health (and more) Blockchain start-up (http://www.blockachain.gr/), both in Thessaloniki, Greece. He has patented three telemedicine devices and one data processing algorithm.
He is Prof. on eHealth at UOWM. He was visiting professor at MIT Media Lab in 2009-10 and again in 2015-16. He is a Marshall Memorial fellow and an alumni of the Bodosaki foundation. He is active in turning research results into innovative products focusing on technologies for preventive health, personalized medicine and active ageing.He is currently the Chairman of the BoD at the Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies (ΣΕΚΕΕ).

Giorgos Karagiannidis
“Long-range IoT Wireless Networks”
George K. Karagiannidis is currently Professor in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. and Founder-Head of the Wireless Communications & Information Processing Group. He is also Honorary Professor at South West Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China.
His research interests fall in the broad area of Digital Communications Systems and Signal processing, with emphasis on Wireless Communications (RF and Optical), Wireless Power Transfer and Signal Processing for Biomedical Engineering.
He is author or co-author of more than 550 technical papers published in scientific journals and presented at international conferences. From 2012 to 2015 he was the EiC of IEEE Communications Letters and currently he is Associate EiC of IEEE Open Journal of Communications Society. Dr. Karagiannidis is IEEE Fellow and one of the highly-cited researchers across all areas of Electrical Engineering, recognized in the five consecutive years 2015-2019 from Clarivate Analytics as Web-of-Science Highly-Cited Researcher.

Ioannis Chochliouros
OTE Research
“Scenarios for enhanced Mobile Broadband and V2X Service Demonstrations in Real-Life Setups and Trials, within a Joint EU-China Framework”
Dr. Ioannis P. Chochliouros (male) graduated from the Dept. of Electrical Engineering of the Polytechnic School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, holding also a M.Sc. (D.E.A.) & a Ph.D. (Doctorat) from the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France. His practical experience as an engineer has been mainly in Telecommunications, as well as in various constructive projects in Greece and the wider Balkan area. Since 1997 he has worked at the Competition Department and as an engineer-consultant of the Chief Technical Officer of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation S.A. (OTE).
He has been very strongly involved in major OTE’s national and international business activities, as a specialist-consultant for technical and regulatory affairs, especially for the evaluation and the adoption of innovative e-Infrastructures and e-Services in Greece and abroad. He has also served as the Head of Technical Regulations Dept. of OTE’s Division for Standardisation and Technical Regulations, representing OTE in international standardisation for a and he has been involved in an enormous variety of issues regarding European and international standardisation, with emphasis on modern technologies. In addition, he has also worked as an independent consultant in the scope of several European and/or international research and business studies.
Since 2005, he is the Head of OTE’s Fixed Network R&D Programs Section and has been involved in different national, European and international R&D projects and market-oriented activities, many of which have received international awards. During his professional career, he has participated either as coordinator or as a scientist-researcher in more than 62 European and national research programs, some of which have received distinctive awards. He is author/co-author of three international books and he has published more than 250 distinct scientific or business papers/reports in the international literature (book chapters and articles in magazines, journals and conferences proceedings), especially for technical, business and regulatory options arising from innovative e-Infrastructures and e-Services.
He is an expert in project management activities with an extensive experience in EU-funded projects where he has very successfully exercised coordinator’s duties (e.g., 5G-PPP 5G ESSENCE, 5G-PPP SESAME, Privacy-Flag, LiveCity, D-SPACE). He is also an active participant of various international and national associations, both of scientific and business nature.
Dr. Chochliouros has also performed an extended educational activity in Greece and in France, in cooperation with Universities and other high-level Institutes, covering a broad variety of issues in the scope of modern e-communications. He is participating in 5G-PPP Steering Board as Project Coordinator of SESAME and the 5G ESSENCE projects. Recently he has received the distinctive award of being a member of the IPv6 Hall of Fame.

Michail Bletsas
Keynote Speaker
“Computing Trends”
Michail Bletsas is a Research Scientist and the Director of Computing at MIT’s Media Lab where he has been working since 1996. He is responsible for all the infrastructure that the lab uses to produce, store, transport and consume its bits. He was a member of the core technical and design team for the “One Laptop Per Child” initiative which created OLPC’s pioneering, award-winning “XO” laptop. His current research interests include network security, wireless networks and building efficient high performance machine learning computing infrastructures.
Over the years, he has advised governments around technology policy issues and provided expert opinion in technical matters to top-level officials. He has cofounded two companies, has been a director and consulted for many others in a variety of capacities.
He has implemented broadband access networks using cutting-edge technologies including one of the earliest ADSL testbeds and various wireless technologies. Mr. Bletsas has been a frequent keynote speaker in international conferences and has been engaged in many civic activities. He holds an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MSc degree in Computer Engineering from Boston University.

“Transformative impact of Blockchain technologies in industrial & public services”
Dr. Konstantinos Votis is a computer engineer and a senior researcher (Researcher Grade B’) at Information Technologies Institute/Centre for Research and Technologies Hellas (CERTH/ITI) and Director of the Visual Analytics Laboratory of CERTH/ITI. He is also a visiting professor in the University of Nicosia, Institute of the Future, regarding Blockchain and AI technologies (since October 2019).
He was also a Visiting professor at the De-Montfort University in UK in the field of Human Computer Interaction, Virtual and Augmented Reality (2016-2020). He received an MSc and a Ph.D. degree in computer science and service-oriented architectures from Computer Engineering and Informatics department, University of Patras, Greece. In addition, he holds an MBA from the Business School department in the University of Patras.
His research interests include Human Computer Interaction (HCI), information Visualisation and management of big data, knowledge engineering and decision support systems, Internet of Things, cybersecurity as well as pervasive computing, with major application areas such as mHealth, eHealth, and personalized healthcare.
His PhD was in the domain of service Oriented Architecture and Information management systems. Since 2001, Dr. Votis has participated in more than 40 Research and Innovation projects in the fields of HCI, IoT, information Visualisation and data analytics, personal health systems, cybersecurity, blockchain.

“Applied AI and Personal Digital Assistants”
Savas is a Sr. Principal Engineer in Alexa AI’s group in Amazon. Previously, he was the co-founder and lead architect of Cortana at Microsoft.
Savas holds a PhD from the University of Newcastle, UK. He likes to go to music festivals around the world (during the pre-COVID19 era), enjoys scifi books and movies, and loves to travel.
You can find more about Savas at his corner on the web, his LinkedIn profile, or follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Timos Sellis
Swinburne University
Keynote Speaker
““Re-configuring data practices for Intelligent, Reliable and Responsible decision making systems”
Timos Sellis is a Professor at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, where he is also the director of the Data Science Research Institute. He holds a Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), and an M.Sc. degree from Harvard University and a Ph.D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley, both in Computer Science. He has served as a faculty member at the University of Maryland (1986-92), and NTUA (1992-2013), and was the inaugural Director of the Institute for the Management of Information Systems of the “Athena” Research Center (2007-13).
His research interests include big data, data science and database systems.
He has published over 260 articles, has over 15,500 citations to his work and has participated and co-ordinated several research projects.
Prof. Sellis is a recipient of a Presidential Young Investigator (USA, 1990) and a VLDB 10 Year Paper (1997) award. He was president of the Greek National Council for Research and Technology (2001-03). He is IEEE Fellow (2009) and an ACM Fellow (2013), for his contributions to database systems and data management. In March 2018 he received the IEEE TCDE Impact Award, for contributions to database systems research and broadening the reach of data engineering research.
2020 Videos