Dana Eleftheriadou
Head of Cities and Proximity Team, European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Dana Eleftheriadou steers EU policy development on intelligent cities, advanced technologies, artificial intelligence with the view to foster Europe’s technological and industrial leadership. She drives policy initiatives and action plans that are leveraging advanced tech to address the world’s biggest challenges and lead the green and digital transition and social welfare.
She designed and oversees the Intelligent Cities Challenge initiative, which helps over 130 EU cities to make the most of cutting-edge technologies to lead a green and digital recovery. She spearheads work on the Tech4Good initiative to promote technology-powered solutions and business models designed to advance social, environmental, and economic causes, as well as on Local Green Deals that support cities to deliver the European Green Deal at the local level.
She has been working on the EU new Industrial Strategy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy, critical AI applications, digitizing the European Industry. She served as the EU coordinator of the high-level group Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship and steers the Member States Board on Advanced Technologies to coordinate national policies and forge the implementation of EU strategies.
She negotiated EU positions in international dialogues, as EU delegate at the G7 ICT and Industry Ministerial and at the G20 dialogue for Innovative Growth; the EU-US dialogue on eCommerce, the Trans-Atlantic business dialogue (TABD), and the OECD. She is a member of the World Economic Forum Digital Leaders Group and has been co-author of the World Economic Forum Global IT Report.
Dana Eleftheriadou holds an MBA with distinction from Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), an MEng in Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, and a diploma in Philosophy from MIT, USA.