World – Changing Technology Developments: Outlook an d Challenges Fueling the Cognitive Economy
Diomidis Spinellis
Balkan and Black Sea ICT Cluster Network at a Glance.How Digital Disruption is redefining the industries and the world
Milan Šolaja
Leading digital solutions fostering innovative enterpreneurship.
Stylianos Loutzidis
Fighting misinformation. Handling and verifying social media content: approaches and challenge.
Jochen Spangenberg
Truly Media and Truth Nest: Practical services against misinformation.
Nikos Sarris
Verifying Multimedia Content on the Internet: Recent Advanc es and Challenges Ahead.
Symeon Papadopoulos
IoT – a paradigm shift for economy & society ?!
Martina Lübon
Industry 4.0 in the Food Industry.
Marc Schmettau
On the way to Industry 4.0 Driving the Digital Enterprise.
Konstantin Zois
Agrolife nation.
Zvezdan Žarić
IntelliSTEM, intelligent solution for Agriculture.
Petar Indovski
Viticulturist; Honey Traceability Programme
Aleksandar Prelević
EU Joint Actions and eHealth policy: Guidelines and Recommendations on Patient Summary and ePrescription.
Stergiani Spyrou
Decision Support in Healthcare: Preventing Medication Errors.
George Nikolaidis
Novel Approaches for Drug Safety Surveillance.
Vassilis Koutkias
Data actionability: the next big leap in “big” data.
Max Gurvits
Big Expectations from Big Data in the European agrifood sector.
Grigoris Chatzikostas
Applying big data analytics in practice.
Anastasios Gounaris
TP TransParent! – Smart Cities Solution.
Sava Zxivanivich
Smart City Standards: enablers or barrieers for innovation.
Athina Vakali
Demonstrating Innovative Solutions within a Smart Cities Ecosystem.
Athanasios Tryferidis
Key enabling blockchain technologies for the Internet of Things ecosystem.
Dimosthenis Ioannidis
Towards secure & blockchain – driven energy trading platforms, the eDREAM concept.
Claudia Pop
A Blockchain-Based Health Ecosystem.
Nikolaos Kaklanis
Data Mining and Machine Learning Algorithms for Social Networks and Media.
Panagiotis Tsaparas
Transforming “a lot of data” to valuable insights. A business journey by Musala Soft.
Aleksandar Ubavkov
Machine Learning in Industrial Internet of Things.
Petar Petrovski
An IoT enabled 5G platform for vertical applications.
John Vardakas
Applications and challenges of IoT in Health care.
Kostas Votis
Chatting with your future home.
Panagiotis Pampalos
IP as a Vehicle for Innovation and Economic Development.
Ioannis Kaplanis
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